Backcountry Skiing Uinta Mountains Hayden Peak is the jewel of the Mirror Lake Highway.   With easy access, huge terrain, and plenty of moderate slopes, Hayden Peak delivers the goods for any kind of tour.   When you get a glimpse of the mountain from the highway you might think the peak is too rugged for skiing.  Head for the south shoulder of the peak and everything changes to goodness.  Hayden Peak is the gem of backcountry skiing the Mirror Lake Highway, get there if you can.


backcountry skiing Uinta mountains Hayden Peak



The skiing on Hayden Peak is very varied.  If you looking for something more challenging try skiing try the mountaineers couloir or pretty much anything off the north shoulder.  These lines are serious and an ice axe or whippets are tools you shouldn't leave home without.   The South shoulder of Hayden is where the skiing gets a lot more suitable for intermediate backcountry skiers.  The ski lines here face all aspects of the compass so if you plan your tour right corn skiing can last most of the day. The descents are long and the approach is straightforward.   My best day skiing in the Uintas was here on Hayden Peak.

Backcountry Skiing Uinta Mountains Hayden Peak

Video from The Provo Bros.  


Backcountry skiing hayden peak Uinta mountains topoGetting to Hayden Peak is super easy!  The peak is right off the highway.  

If you're skiing the more challenging North shoulder there is a creek "Hayden fork of the Bear River"  between you and the peak.  Since access to the Uintas is during the spring runoff, this creek is roaring and not something I'd want to mess with.  I have not skied the north shoulder yet so I don't know the best way to cross the creek.  I would recommend parking at the Highline trail above the creek and access the north side of the creek from here.    

If you're skiing the moderate South shoulder, park at the Highline trailhead on the Mirror Lake Highway.  Skin North, Northwest toward one of the two natural ramps.  If you want to access the ridge the 1st ramp requires a little rock climbing or booting up a couloir.  The ramp further to the south isn't as technical to access the ridge but it is a farther skin in.  




As always I take my photography seriously see the

 Hayden Peak photo Gallery 

Hayden Peak unita mountains

Backcountry skiing unita mountains hayden peak backside

backcountry skiing hayden peak south ridge summit Christopher Comstock





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* Backcountry Skiing *